Well, your dreams can soon become a reality. See, I found myself in that exact same place during the 2006 games. Then, almost as if by fate, I stumbled upon the Triangle Curling Club while searching Google for an explanation of the game. As luck would have it, they were hosting a Learn to Curl event, where I really could try it.

The game itself is simple to learn. Sure, everyone struggles with balance and delivery at first, but the overall concepts are fairly easy to grasp. The best part is, you don't have to buy any equipment to get started. The club owns the stones and has brooms and sliders to borrow.
So, if you want to give it a go, the club has arranged for several Open House and Learn to Curl events surrounding the Olympics, Open Houses will be set up as stations where you can try out different aspects of the game. Learn to Curls are more of a step-by-step learning process. Dates are:
Thursday, February 4th - 8:00 pm
Open House
Friday, March 5th - 8:30 pm
Open House
Sunday, March 7th - 4:00 pm
Open House
Friday, March 12th - 8:30 pm
Learn to Curl
Sunday, March 14th - 4:00 pm
Learn to Curl:
Thursday, March 18th - 8:00 pm
Learn to Curl
Friday, March 19th - 8:30 pm
Learn to Curl
Check out the club's upcoming event schedule for details, costs and RSVP instructions.