You found me (not that I've been hiding) and, yes, I realize this page was built in Blogger, but I'm really not using it as a blog. Occasionally, I'll post a note in the space below, but not too often.

However, I do blog regularly and invite you to check it out. If you're looking for me, I'm probably logged in to Facebook right now. I also tweet a lot.

Twitter is where I make most of my noise...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to lose my business in 10 minutes or less....

I've been getting swamped by advertising proposals lately. One quick way sales reps dig themselves into a deep hole is by including our logo in the proposal. It's not that they lifted the logo from our website that annoys me, it's the fact that they stretch it to fit a space in the document but fail to maintain the proper dimensions.

If you can't get my logo right in the presentation you're sending to me, how I can be certain that you'll be able to look after the integrity of my brand when exposing it to complete strangers?

Hops & Hickory