You found me (not that I've been hiding) and, yes, I realize this page was built in Blogger, but I'm really not using it as a blog. Occasionally, I'll post a note in the space below, but not too often.

However, I do blog regularly and invite you to check it out. If you're looking for me, I'm probably logged in to Facebook right now. I also tweet a lot.

Twitter is where I make most of my noise...

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


... or so it seems. I walked outside tonight and into the arctic blast.

Ok, it wasn't that bad, maybe 30. Back home, you don't even bother putting on pants unless it's below 19. But, this was the first cold day here since last winter, and it was that dry cold that sucks the moisture out of your face. I hate that. At least have the decency to snow, dammit.

I ate lunch outside the other day... in December. Without a jacket.
The South is good.

Hops & Hickory